The Future of Farming: Exploring the Hydroponics Market Forecast to 2027

The global hydroponics market is experiencing a transformative wave, marked by significant advancements in technology and increasing awareness of sustainable agricultural practices. As we look towards 2027, the market is expected to continue its upward trajectory, driven by the demand for efficient, soil-less farming systems that offer higher yields and more control over crop production. This...

Higher Yields Compared to Traditional Soil-Based Agriculture drives the Hydroponics Market

Hydroponics is a technique of growing plants with water and nutrients without the use of soil. This technique makes use of containers or specially designed benches with troughs to enable the suspension of plants in water. Hydroponic systems often use materials such as sand, pebbles, or sawdust as substrates that have high water-holding capacity. The roots grow within the substrates to secure the plant...